Thermal Hydraulics Laboratory

Dr. Mark Anderson


Welcome to the Thermal Hydraulics Laboratory. The research done in the THL covers a wide breadth of fundamental physics and applications relating to advanced energy utilization, energy extraction and energy production with the main focus on experimental thermal hydraulics for advanced nuclear, solars and waste heat recovery energy sources.

Dr. Mark Anderson is A Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the University of Wisconsin's Thermal Hydraulic Laboratory. He also manages the UW - madison Tantalus facility in Stoughton WI. Dr. Anderson studies both the physics, thermal hydraulic performance and material corrosion issues of several diffrent fluids (salts, liquid metals, SCW, S-Co2). He is also currently the U.S. representative to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the coordinated research project on supercritical fluids and has active research on the SCO2 Brayton cycle for nuclear, solar and fossil advanced power generation. He is one of the UW’s Co-PIs on the Department of Energy fluoride-cooled nuclear reactor integrated research project and focuses on salt chemistry, purification and materials compatibility. Dr. Anderson was recently awarded the Young Investigator Engineering Achievement Award from the American Nuclear Society for his work on liquid salts and supercritical fluids. He has been awarded three patents and has published over 150 papers in various areas related to physics, energy science, production and utilization. Dr. Anderson currently serves as an Associate Editor for the ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering & Radiation Science.

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